00 Gauge Layout

The club has two OO Gauge Layouts, Bournemouth East & Canalside, with a third, Ferndene South, under construction.
Bournemouth East is a 12.5 x 4-metre static “OO” scale layout. 
With two major running lines that double back on themselves, this U-shaped pattern allows for a continuous run of approximately 49m
.The layout’s most notable feature is a scratch-built power plant with three cooling towers and a turbine hall. A track loop encircles the power plant, providing access for coal trains. 
One of the two stations is located at the rear of the layout, behind the power plant. It is a through station with two island platforms big enough to accommodate an entire HST set or a locomotive and ten carriages, running through the middle of the station are two through lines. 
There are several sidings at the back of the platforms enabling storage of trains.
At the front of the layout is the second station with the same capacity for trains as per the first station. 
All through lines have a platform face enabling five trains to stop. Behind is a high level street scene that has shops based upon those to be found in the local area. 
Next to the station is a small yard and depot whilst behind that there is a large village scene with village pond, St Martins church and its graveyard.
Bournemouth East is controlled by conventional DC controllers with panels housing isolation switches and push button point control. 
The outer circuit is switchable between DC and DCC operation.
Updating scenery has recently been undertaken. 
The rear station area has been redeveloped with platforms shortened slightly; a mainline station and road been built over these platforms with staircases leading down to the platforms. 
The current rock faced back scene has changed into a removable street scene (to aid cleaning) similar to the layout’s front station area.

Canalside measures approximately 5.5m x 2m.
 It is a GWR period, 4-track through station via an extensive fiddle yard. 
Scenery has been constructed to a very high standard and the layout perfectly represents a rural station in its heyday. 
Stock from the Big Four period through to the present day are run.  
Canalside can be run as either DC or DCC. 
 The main fiddle yard has been enhanced to allow a future crossover between the main running tracks and possibly adding an engine shed, with a goods yard, making use of currently unused space.
NEW Exhibition layout, Ferndene South, this layout is being constructed using many items that have been donated by Club Members, or sourced from within the club.
The layout plan, is to be both DC/DCC allowing members to run all their stock. 
Ferndene South will be an end to end with fiddle yards at both ends.
Good progress is being made with track laying, and electrical work, prior to ballasting and scenic being designed.
OO Layouts